Monday 17 June 2013

Week 2

Week 2

From lecture class we attended this week, we found out that class that we are participating now are very interesting. Different from other officially lecture classes. Knowledge Management class is more on having activities to assist us in learning and understanding. This practical activities had been included for 1st week and 2nd week. Further interesting activities are expected from each of our members.

Activities that had been held by Ms. Fatimah, who was our knowledge management respective lecturer are actually a basic sketch of chart. As shown in picture, it was about our daily routine.We learned one of those skills on how to manage knowledge. This picture is adopted from one of our group member and credited by Xin Ee.

As well as other group mate, they had also roughly make their daily routine as shown on above. A basic sketch but very effective and easy way to understand and gain control. Although some of the students might had learned this concepts, but from 2nd week of Knowledge Management lecture class, stronger mastering management skills might had occurred.

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