Saturday 10 August 2013

Week 9

In week 9 we are learn about the knowledge management system. Knowledge Management System(KMS) as technology basis. The facilitate is knowledge interaction, distribution, retrieval and retention. KMS enable knowledge capture and exchange, facilitate the acquisition, documentation, transfer, creation and application of knowledge and also ensure greater knowledge functionality.

Knowledge system technologies have a range of supporting technologies in 4 areas, Business process management, Content management, Web content management and Knowledge application management. In this chapter, we have 5 system need to study, there are Decision Support Systems (DSS), Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS), Executive Support Systems (ESS), Performance Support Systems (PSS) and Workplace Management Systems (WMS).

DSS is assist decision making by combining data, analytical tools and models to support structured and unstructured decision. GDSS is working in a group by using the interactive system to facilitate solution of unstructured problems. ESS is to help senior managers with unstructured problems and avoid information overload. PSS is assist groups or individuals to perform certain tasks, for example, MMU Academic evaluation, if lecturers get low grad of evaluation they will be send for training. WMS is allows documents and other forms of knowledge to be routed among individuals and applications.

System development must be carefully planned and managed. So, before start to develop a KMS, there are 7 stages to follow to provide a good and satisfy system. According to this 7 stages, developer can easily meet the customers requirement and also easy to develop the system. This chapter is a bit confuse, hope i can try to understand all the concept and know how to use it in different situation.

Last but not least, wish all my Malay friends Selamat Hari Raya and have a nice midterm break. After this break we still have many assignment to do, remember to finish all the assignment before the due date. GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF US.

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