Monday 1 July 2013

Week 4

This Wednesday 26/06/2013 , we have visited Bank Negara Malaysia. Supposedly the bus will start at 7.15am , but due to some students arrived late , the bus started around 8am , it's quite unfair for those who came earlier. Because of that , we have to skipped our breakfast before we arriving Bank Negara Malaysia. Bank Negara Malaysia Knowledge Management Centre located at Sasana Kijang. At first, we have a speaker to explain about the Knowledge Management in Bank Negara Malaysia. After that , we went up to second floor to visit Bank Negara Malaysia Library. Lastly, we have visited museum in Bank Negara Malaysia.

In week 4 we have learnt about the Knowledge Capture and Codification. Something happened before our class started , our lecturer came with her cutie daughter due to unforeseen circumstances. Her daughter unable to enter the kindergarten due to some problems.

1Identification –
8the process of characterizing key problem aspects such as participants, resources, goals, and existing reference materials.
8specifying the key concepts and relationships in the form of a concept or knowledge map.
8Validate content into more readily disseminate.

In this lecture, we have learnt:
sCapturing knowledge is process of adding value to the original content (restructuring, rewriting)
sAnalysing & reworking help clarify what organization know & what it need to know
sCritical when an issue of knowledge continuity arises
sShould address the specific knowledge to be transferred between individuals as well as strategic concerns at group and organizational levels.
sThe organization needs to be aware of its critical knowledge assets; these are captured and codified in the form of a knowledge map or taxonomy.

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