Sunday 21 July 2013

Week 7

This week, during tutorial class we not discuss tutorial but having our midterm. Although it was open book test, but we all also feel nervous. The question is a short case study and we have to answer few question, normally we think that we can find some answer on notes or internet, but the question most are need our understanding. So, actually I'm not refer much on notes and internet just base on what I learn on class.

During lecture class, today we are learning some different culture of organization. We have discuss from different culture of country like, Japanese say hello is bow to people, we are say "Hi" or even just smile to people. And we have learnt to differentiate between sociability and solidarity. For sociability is measure of friendliness and sociability is measure on task orientation.

For let us more understanding about organization culture, we have been showed a video is about Google company organization. Their working environment are wonderful, they have gym, buffet, laundry, place for sleep and play, and everything are FREE!!! The aim of giving these to the employee is want to make the employee feel happy and will stay and work hard for company. Many places have Google organization like Switzerland, America, most near from us are China, we hope Malaysia one day will have Google organization and have the same environment as others too. We also learnt different country, the different culture, like Google organization, in China they have a room to let them play ping pong, and their food are suit chinese, others country have different facility like Switzerland are using slideway to get down floor. Check out the bottom link.

Working at Google~

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