Sunday 7 July 2013

Week 5

During tutorial class, we not only discuss the tutorial answer by theoretical, madam also will give us some activities to more understand the concept according to the specific topic. This week madam had ask 2 pairs of student to do a demo of how to get into kancil and come out from the car.

First pair and second pair have some different. First pair student step and action:
  1. open car door 
  2. get into the car
  3. close car door
  4. open again the door
  5. come out from the car
Second pair student step and action:
  1. open car door
  2. carefully get into the car, because he is tall need to aware car roof
  3. after get into the car they adjust the site
  4. close car door
  5. wear seat belt
  6. open seat belt
  7. open again the car door
  8. come out from the car
During the experiment we have capture some picture that they tried to show us how to get into kancil and come out from it. And this is what we called learning by being told.

During the lecturer, this week topic is knowledge sharing and communities of  practice (CoP). According to my understanding, this chapter is about how we share knowledge between communities. Owner and seeker can feedback to each other, but people are usually rewarded for what they know, they wont share with other without any benefits. In Social Network Analysis (SNA), people are refer to each other, but in this few groups of people there are include "hidden" experts, they will informally or formally refer to each other, but most of the time they use informal method.

In the class, madam have mention the part for us to focus. We need to know CoP differ from other kinds of groups found in organizations (Figure 1). We are also need to able to describe and explain what is undernet (Figure 2). 

Figure 1

Figure 2

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