Saturday 20 July 2013

Week 6

In week 6th, we learnt about knowledge acquisition and application.

So what is knowledge acquisition?
Based on logic guesses, it is something related to knowledge. (extra talks. =3)

Knowledge acquisition and application can be derived and explained by KM cycle as shown in picture.

Knowledge application is referring to knowledge that are captured or created and practiced to complete job task. Other than that, in knowledge reuse, most of the jobs requires an amounts of knowledge creation but overload new knowledge is definitely not recommended. So, be effectively workers will reuse their knowledge.

Individual level 
Knowledge Application:
Personal knowledge acquisition and application can be known into 3 criteria:
  • Personalization and Profiling
  • Bloom Taxonomy of Learning Objectives
  • Cognitive Styles and Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Cognitive Styles
As for cognitive styles, individual will determine performance on individuals in knowledge seeking
knowledge reuse, finding, understanding, and utilizing of organizational knowledge

Every individual has their own preferences and approaches on how they internalize knowledge
Each individual has great inclination to choose professions that correspond to their preferred cognitive styles
  • preference of knowledge learning
  • preference of knowledge modality 
Meyers Briggs Personality Type Indicator

There are four dimensions of personality type according to Meyers Briggs 
  • Interest: How we interact with the world and where we direct our energy (Extraversion-Introversion)
  • Perception: The kind of information we naturally notice (sensing-intuition)
  • Judgment: How we make decisions (thinking-feeling)
  • Environment: Whether we prefer to live in a more structured way or a more spontaneous way (judgment-perception).

Basically, all of above is what we learnt in week 6 lecture in form of summary. There are more details in each of those words points. But apparently, MID-TERM EXAM IS COMING. We need to focus more on exam scope's. =.=

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