Saturday 10 August 2013

Week 9

In week 9 we are learn about the knowledge management system. Knowledge Management System(KMS) as technology basis. The facilitate is knowledge interaction, distribution, retrieval and retention. KMS enable knowledge capture and exchange, facilitate the acquisition, documentation, transfer, creation and application of knowledge and also ensure greater knowledge functionality.

Knowledge system technologies have a range of supporting technologies in 4 areas, Business process management, Content management, Web content management and Knowledge application management. In this chapter, we have 5 system need to study, there are Decision Support Systems (DSS), Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS), Executive Support Systems (ESS), Performance Support Systems (PSS) and Workplace Management Systems (WMS).

DSS is assist decision making by combining data, analytical tools and models to support structured and unstructured decision. GDSS is working in a group by using the interactive system to facilitate solution of unstructured problems. ESS is to help senior managers with unstructured problems and avoid information overload. PSS is assist groups or individuals to perform certain tasks, for example, MMU Academic evaluation, if lecturers get low grad of evaluation they will be send for training. WMS is allows documents and other forms of knowledge to be routed among individuals and applications.

System development must be carefully planned and managed. So, before start to develop a KMS, there are 7 stages to follow to provide a good and satisfy system. According to this 7 stages, developer can easily meet the customers requirement and also easy to develop the system. This chapter is a bit confuse, hope i can try to understand all the concept and know how to use it in different situation.

Last but not least, wish all my Malay friends Selamat Hari Raya and have a nice midterm break. After this break we still have many assignment to do, remember to finish all the assignment before the due date. GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF US.

Sunday 28 July 2013

Week 8

We finally got our midterm marks , unsatisfied ,so Ms Fatimah give us 1 more chance to take supplementary paper . Ms Fatimah will choose which is the highest one. And of cause this time also open book and search internet , and 1 thing different is, we can sit closely with friends. So I think we could improve our marks , unfortunately, result wad bad too. T.T what to do?  So that's all in tutorial class.

In week 8 lecture class, we have learnt 2 chapters, Learning Organisation and Knowledge Management Tools. Learning Organisation not so important , so Ms Fatimah just briefly go through only. In this chapter we have learnt 1) how to describe different component technologies found in KM. 2) To explain different technologies for capturing, organising, storing, and sharing new knowledge. 3) to contrast the functions of different component technologies. 4) To select appropriate KM technologies for particular needs. 

After this chapter, we know the intelligent filtering agents are a KM technology that can help address the challenges of information overload by selecting relevant content and delivering this in a just-in-time and just-enough format. A knowledge repository will often be the most frequently used and most visible aspect of a KM technology. KM technologies help support emergent phenomena involved in the creation, sharing, and application of valuable knowledge assets.

1 question in this chapter will come out in final exam. :)

Sunday 21 July 2013

Week 7

This week, during tutorial class we not discuss tutorial but having our midterm. Although it was open book test, but we all also feel nervous. The question is a short case study and we have to answer few question, normally we think that we can find some answer on notes or internet, but the question most are need our understanding. So, actually I'm not refer much on notes and internet just base on what I learn on class.

During lecture class, today we are learning some different culture of organization. We have discuss from different culture of country like, Japanese say hello is bow to people, we are say "Hi" or even just smile to people. And we have learnt to differentiate between sociability and solidarity. For sociability is measure of friendliness and sociability is measure on task orientation.

For let us more understanding about organization culture, we have been showed a video is about Google company organization. Their working environment are wonderful, they have gym, buffet, laundry, place for sleep and play, and everything are FREE!!! The aim of giving these to the employee is want to make the employee feel happy and will stay and work hard for company. Many places have Google organization like Switzerland, America, most near from us are China, we hope Malaysia one day will have Google organization and have the same environment as others too. We also learnt different country, the different culture, like Google organization, in China they have a room to let them play ping pong, and their food are suit chinese, others country have different facility like Switzerland are using slideway to get down floor. Check out the bottom link.

Working at Google~

Saturday 20 July 2013

Week 6

In week 6th, we learnt about knowledge acquisition and application.

So what is knowledge acquisition?
Based on logic guesses, it is something related to knowledge. (extra talks. =3)

Knowledge acquisition and application can be derived and explained by KM cycle as shown in picture.

Knowledge application is referring to knowledge that are captured or created and practiced to complete job task. Other than that, in knowledge reuse, most of the jobs requires an amounts of knowledge creation but overload new knowledge is definitely not recommended. So, be effectively workers will reuse their knowledge.

Individual level 
Knowledge Application:
Personal knowledge acquisition and application can be known into 3 criteria:
  • Personalization and Profiling
  • Bloom Taxonomy of Learning Objectives
  • Cognitive Styles and Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Cognitive Styles
As for cognitive styles, individual will determine performance on individuals in knowledge seeking
knowledge reuse, finding, understanding, and utilizing of organizational knowledge

Every individual has their own preferences and approaches on how they internalize knowledge
Each individual has great inclination to choose professions that correspond to their preferred cognitive styles
  • preference of knowledge learning
  • preference of knowledge modality 
Meyers Briggs Personality Type Indicator

There are four dimensions of personality type according to Meyers Briggs 
  • Interest: How we interact with the world and where we direct our energy (Extraversion-Introversion)
  • Perception: The kind of information we naturally notice (sensing-intuition)
  • Judgment: How we make decisions (thinking-feeling)
  • Environment: Whether we prefer to live in a more structured way or a more spontaneous way (judgment-perception).

Basically, all of above is what we learnt in week 6 lecture in form of summary. There are more details in each of those words points. But apparently, MID-TERM EXAM IS COMING. We need to focus more on exam scope's. =.=

Sunday 7 July 2013

Week 5

During tutorial class, we not only discuss the tutorial answer by theoretical, madam also will give us some activities to more understand the concept according to the specific topic. This week madam had ask 2 pairs of student to do a demo of how to get into kancil and come out from the car.

First pair and second pair have some different. First pair student step and action:
  1. open car door 
  2. get into the car
  3. close car door
  4. open again the door
  5. come out from the car
Second pair student step and action:
  1. open car door
  2. carefully get into the car, because he is tall need to aware car roof
  3. after get into the car they adjust the site
  4. close car door
  5. wear seat belt
  6. open seat belt
  7. open again the car door
  8. come out from the car
During the experiment we have capture some picture that they tried to show us how to get into kancil and come out from it. And this is what we called learning by being told.

During the lecturer, this week topic is knowledge sharing and communities of  practice (CoP). According to my understanding, this chapter is about how we share knowledge between communities. Owner and seeker can feedback to each other, but people are usually rewarded for what they know, they wont share with other without any benefits. In Social Network Analysis (SNA), people are refer to each other, but in this few groups of people there are include "hidden" experts, they will informally or formally refer to each other, but most of the time they use informal method.

In the class, madam have mention the part for us to focus. We need to know CoP differ from other kinds of groups found in organizations (Figure 1). We are also need to able to describe and explain what is undernet (Figure 2). 

Figure 1

Figure 2

Monday 1 July 2013

Week 4

This Wednesday 26/06/2013 , we have visited Bank Negara Malaysia. Supposedly the bus will start at 7.15am , but due to some students arrived late , the bus started around 8am , it's quite unfair for those who came earlier. Because of that , we have to skipped our breakfast before we arriving Bank Negara Malaysia. Bank Negara Malaysia Knowledge Management Centre located at Sasana Kijang. At first, we have a speaker to explain about the Knowledge Management in Bank Negara Malaysia. After that , we went up to second floor to visit Bank Negara Malaysia Library. Lastly, we have visited museum in Bank Negara Malaysia.

In week 4 we have learnt about the Knowledge Capture and Codification. Something happened before our class started , our lecturer came with her cutie daughter due to unforeseen circumstances. Her daughter unable to enter the kindergarten due to some problems.

1Identification –
8the process of characterizing key problem aspects such as participants, resources, goals, and existing reference materials.
8specifying the key concepts and relationships in the form of a concept or knowledge map.
8Validate content into more readily disseminate.

In this lecture, we have learnt:
sCapturing knowledge is process of adding value to the original content (restructuring, rewriting)
sAnalysing & reworking help clarify what organization know & what it need to know
sCritical when an issue of knowledge continuity arises
sShould address the specific knowledge to be transferred between individuals as well as strategic concerns at group and organizational levels.
sThe organization needs to be aware of its critical knowledge assets; these are captured and codified in the form of a knowledge map or taxonomy.

Sunday 30 June 2013

Week 3

Today during tutorial class, Ms Fatimah discuss the tutorial question as usual, then she give us an interesting activity.
First she ask us to take out our extra T-shirt that she last week ask us prepare, then she read some steps how to fold a T-shirt, we follow the instruction, most student can't do it well. Next she show us those steps on screen with words, we do again, and this time we do better then just now. At last, she show a video on YouTube how to fold a shirt in few seconds, most of us can do well this time. The result show that, video method is most easy to let people understand compare with words or sound.

Before end of class, Ms Fatimah choose some students come out have a small competition of folding shirt, last is the student who wearing yellow T-shirt win this contest, he do in fast and nice, we all guessing maybe he have been work for shopping complex fold shirt before. before we go, Ms Fatimah remind us again about the trip of next week and ask people confirm faster, we all hope that day come faster.